07/12 2019 23/02 2020
5th Architectural Prize of the Mayor of the Warsaw

What objects and events were triumphant in 2018? Who was awarded for solutions conducive to accessibility, and which building was appreciated by the residents of Warsaw? 

The exhibition was dedicated to the winners of the 5th Architectural Award of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw for 2018. On the square in front of the ZODIAK Warsaw Pavilion of Architecture, you will find winners in all main categories: Public Utility Architecture, Commercial Architecture, Residential Architecture, New Life of Buildings, Design of Public Space, Architectural Event, and in special categories: Award for pro-ecological solutions, Award for solutions ensuring accessibility, especially for people with limited mobility or perception, Grand Prix and the Residents’ Award. 

More on the competition can be found at nagroda-architektoniczna.pl



Organizer: Biuro Architektury i Planowania Przestrzennego m.st. Warszawy

Production: Dariusz Bartoszewicz, Zuzanna Hyrcza, Monika Komorowska, Katarzyna Sałbut, Katarzyna Zachara, Artur Wosz,

Media partners: Oddział Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich, Mazowiecka Okręgowa Izba Architektów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz Oddział Warszawski Towarzystwa Urbanistów Polskich.