In these times of uncertainty, we are wondering what lies ahead of us. When planning Warsaw’s spatial development, we have an opportunity to influence our future. We present to you a unique exhibition – a report on Warsaw Master Plan work. From the very beginning this core document, guiding our city’s future spatial development, has been prepared in dialogue with experts and residents. At the request stage, we received almost 25,000 opinions! To get Varsovians involved in discussing the city’s spatial future, we also issued a series of publications and organised a number of meetings under the headline “Warsaw Planning Reports”.
This exhibition displays the key topics addressed in the reports and goes a step forward to present the assumptions for the New Master Plan and to put them to public consultation. We focus on issues of prime importance for Warsaw’s sustainable future. We provide data about demographics and the condition of the capital’s natural environment. We also look at Warsaw’s identity, its localness and ways to navigate the city. We present the assumptions for the New Master Plan that answer the following questions:
How to develop Warsaw?
How to create a resilient ecosystem of the city?
How to create an attractive landscape?
How to introduce localness?
Our answers draw on the insights gained and analyses performed while working on the New Master Plan.
Displayed at the exhibition are more than 100 maps, charts, diagrams and illustrations showing the challenges faced by Warsaw from different perspectives. Having this knowledge, we could come up with a plan for the future. These are the assumptions for the New Master Plan. We present them at this exhibition and look forward to your feedback. We will consider all this feedback when preparing the final plan for Warsaw’s spatial development.
Curator: Monika Wróbel
Exhibition design: Rzeczyobrazkowe
Photos: Artur Wosz
Films: Krzysztof Babicki, Paweł Libera
Substantive consultations: Maciej Frąckowiak
Production: Monika Komorowska, Wojciech Kacperski, Anna Brzezińska-Czerska, Katarzyna Sałbut, Katarzyna Zachara, Artur Wosz
Organized by: Capital City of Warsaw,
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